Too little is said about the role of receptionists in the success of your business. Reception is not just a person, it is a function. So even if you don’t have a full time person in the job whoever answers the phone or deals with the client at the desk is playing that role.

It’s good to remember that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression and that the front desk is both the first and last contact clients have with you. So what we are really looking for is a balance between effectiveness and efficiency. Efficiency will ensure the admin is done properly and effectiveness to make sure clients keep coming back.

Booking appointments or selling time. We all know how important it is to get appointment details right, but did you ever consider, that “selling” appointment times could increase your monthly turnover by 20-30%. We all know certain times of the day, week or month are more popular than others. For example the value of a Monday appointment is nowhere near the value of a Friday or Saturday appointment. Likewise appointments might be more popular in the first and last week of the month and less popular in the middle two weeks. So the trick is to try to book appointments during those quieter times. Popular appointment times are popular for a reason so try to avoid booking those until the last minute.

Re- booking before the client leaves the spa or salon. It’s great to see bookings at the beginning of each week. There is nothing worse that starting the week with an empty appointment book. The advantages of booking clients’ next appointment are numerous: It makes it so much easier to achieve turnover targets. Clients enjoy the benefits of your services the more often they visit your spa or salon plus, they end up spending 15-20% more each year. Plus the receptionist has the opportunity to “sell” the quieter times as mentioned earlier.

Increasing sales

80% of clients who do not repurchase products before leaving the spa or salon is usually because they weren’t asked to. Stylists and Therapists are busy attending to the client’s immediate needs and often don’t remember to remind clients about home care. By just browsing each clients buying history your receptionist  could provide a subtle reminder as she is finalising the client’s docket. The result could be a staggering increase of 25% in retail sales.

Makes you think!